5 Fun Activities to Try With Your Kids

Published on: July 29, 2022 (Updated on: April 22, 2024)

5 Fun activities to try with your kids
Happy smiling family spending a summer day together at the park.

Fun activities to try with your kids

Schools are closed for the long holiday and what most parents are probably thinking about is how to register their kids for holiday lessons or programs, so they don’t stay at home and start playing too much. Kids can be difficult to stay with, especially if they are between 7-13 years old. This article highlights 5 fun activities to try with your kids.

Sending them off for holiday lessons when they are supposed to be resting from school stress isn’t advisable most of the time, you know the saying ‘all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy', besides there are some things about life children are supposed to learn while growing up and they won’t learn this if they are always caged up in school.

Below is a list of five fun activities you should try with your kids this holiday to help them grow mentally, physically and emotionally:

1. Sightseeing

One of the best fun activities to try with your kids is sightseeing. Visiting new places helps in building the mind, no doubt. You can make time to go out with the kids to have fun, it could be on a Saturday when you don’t go to work. Sightseeing places can include the zoo, museum, beach or even a park. Anywhere at all with great scenery or with a touch of life such as water or trees helps a lot in improving the mental health of human beings and instils a sense of peace in an individual.

While taking them out, you could prepare food to take along, so everyone can eat together after playing around. This helps strengthen the family bond and gives the kids a sense of security.

2. Sports

Sports is one good part of recreational activities you wouldn’t want your kid to miss out on. You can start by finding out which one fascinates them the most, and this goes beyond the regular football every boy likes. You can enrol them to learn swimming from a coach, table tennis, lawn tennis, basketball, volleyball, snooker, and handball. Whichever one they like, encourage them to learn.

They might not turn out to be professional players, but it will help them grow mentally, and it will serve as a relaxation hobby to ease off stress. Asides from learning for fun, engaging in sports helps one build focus and concentration, which is needed in school and in life generally.

3. Martial arts

Martial arts are some of the less known but interesting fun activities to try with your kids. No matter where you reside or the kind of school your children attend, the truth is they will need to defend themselves from school bullies and a possible attack on them in the future. A small knowledge of martial art will keep them equipped with possible skills needed to protect themselves in the future.

The good thing about martial art, especially karate and taekwondo, is that it instructs the child not to be a bully and a fighter. Failure to keep to the rule is a disqualification. So if you are scared of your child being aggressive when they learn a martial art, just know it won’t happen. Asides from learning a martial art for self-defense, it also builds focus and concentration just like any other sport.

4. Spend quality time with them

Asides from taking the kids out to have a good time with them, you should also try to spend time with them while they are at home. The holiday is the best time for parents to bond with their children and also a good time to correct them on certain bad characteristics they pick up at school. We spend lesser time with them during school periods because kids have to sleep early and wake up early, so the holiday is the best time for catching up on what you’ve missed.

Catch up with them on all the fun activities that happened in school, ask about who their new friends are, how and why they stopped talking with the old ones, how they feel about their teachers, which subjects they like the most and so on. This kind of conversation makes a child feel more secure around their parents and motivates them to open up to their parents on certain issues bothering them. There is no better time to let your kids know you care about them than when they are still little.

5. Go on a vacation

This does not have to be a serious vacation outside of your country, it could just be a weekend trip to somewhere outside of where you all reside. It could even be a trip to their grandparent's place, this way they bond with their grandparents and also see the way you treat your parents, this goes a long way in teaching them more about life.

If you can afford it, you can decide to go camping with them to any destination of your choice. The reason for taking them on a vacation is for them to mix with people outside of their home and blend in a new environment. This way, they make new friends and see a different perspective of life.

Try any of these fun activities with your kids and see how bubbly and energetic your kids will be. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

